Question 1: What ingredients do you use?
I have several formulated base recipes I use typically. The ingredients are listed for every product on this website.
If you are looking for a soap with or without a certain ingredient, please contact me. I will be happy to discuss a custom soap at no additional charge.
Question 2: Do you use Palm Oil?
Yes, I do use RSPO Certified Sustainable palm oil which contributes to the preservation of the habitat of orangutans. I do not support cruelty to animals and strive to ethically source all my ingredients. I do have products that do not contain palm oil for those opposed to any type of palm oil.
Question 3: Do you test on animals?
No, I do not test any of my products on animals. I personally test my products by using them over an extended period of time. If it meets my standards, then they are sent to volunteers to use them for an extended period of time and they provide input on product, packaging and shipping before I consider adding it to the product line. These steps are in place to ensure, not only the quality but, that all aspects of the product order you receive is at its very best.
Question 4: Do you use lye in your soaps?
Lye (sodium hydroxide) is used to make soap. It is scientifically impossible to make soap (combining oils and water to make a solid) without sodium hydroxide. Yes, I do use it. Once the soap batter saponifies (chemical change within the first 48 hours of making it), the sodium hydroxide no longer exists.
There are two ways to list soap ingredients in the US. 1) list sodium hydroxide as an ingredient or 2) list as "saponified" ingredients (which omits the use of sodium hydroxide as its listing the ingredients after the saponification when the sodium hydroxide is no longer present. I choose to list sodium hydroxide as an ingredient, even though it is no longer in the final product, it is an ingredient used.
Question 5: What is the difference between handmade soap and commercial soap?
Commercial products tend to use synthetics and detergents to make soap. They also remove the glycerin from the soap to sell as other products. Whereas when we make handmade soap we do not remove the glycerin. Glycerin leaves a layer on the skin thus trapping in moisture after using the soap.
Question 6: I'm allergic to fragrance. What products do you have that I can use?
I do make fragrance free products and I also use essential oils as an alternative. If you have any type of allergy, I encourage you to read the ingredients on my products before use. Please reach out to me if you need something specific as there is a strong possibility I can make the product with/without the ingredient. I do not charge extra for custom orders.
Question 7: You sell a product I love but I don't see it anymore. How can I get more?
I have standard soaps I stock often. However, there are times when I make small batches for a variety of reasons (design, ingredient, holiday, etc). The best way to let me know that this is a "keeper" is to leave a review. I need feedback in order for me to know just how much the product is wanted.
Question 8: What is the white powder on my soap?
Some handmade soaps can get what is called, in this industry, as "soda ash" and it occurs when the soap come in contact with air while in the mold and shortly after it is unmolded. Soda ash is harmless and will wash away after the first use. Activated charcoal soap is one of the products that is prone to soda ash.
Question 9: Why does handmade soap need to "cure"?
Handmade soap goes through three phases of curing 1) saponification, 2) water evaporation, and 3) crystallization process before the soap is fully cured. If at any point in time you have purchased a handmade soap from another soapmaker and it dissolved in a week or two or it got mushy, it wasn't fully cured when sold. That's poor craftsmanship. All of my soaps are fully cured before it is available to you for purchase to ensure they are top quality products.
Question 10: How do I care for my soap?
All handmade soaps do best in a soap dish that has holes for drainage. Allow the soap to dry between use.
Question 11: Can you customize some soap for me?
Yes! Absolutely. I can make as little as 8-bar loaf and up to 60-bar slab. I do not charge extra for customer orders; however, I do require a 50% deposit. Please email me with your request for a quote.
Question 12: Are you able to custom make a lotion with a fragrance I know you don't carry?
Yes, I can if I am able to source the fragrance (or essential oil) and it is compatible with lotion making. Please email me with your request.
Question 13: Do you sell wholesale to other stores or business owners?
Yes, for some of my products I do. There is a quantity minimum and a 50% deposit required. Please email me with details and the best time to reach you by phone.
Question 14: Do you sell your soap to be used as fundraisers?
Absolutely! Please email me with details and the best time to reach you by phone. Everyone uses soap – makes an excellent fundraiser!
Question 15: Do you have sales?
Yes, I do. The best way to know when there are sales, promotions as well as pop-up virtual shopping, is to subscribe to my website, like my Facebook page and to follow me on Instagram. All of these platforms receive various announcements and notifications at different times.